My Trip to Poland

Once I had finished writing the “Evil Truth of Nazism” I decided to take a long awaited trip to Poland with my wife Tracy. One of the places we visited was Birkenau and Auschwitz. Did you know that Auschwitz’s original name was Oswiecim? The city was renamed Auschwitz by the Germans in the Second World War when they occupied Poland.
When you think of Auschwitz you automatically think Death Camp, well this is a misconception. Auschwitz was actually the labour camp. Birkenau was the actual Death Camp.
It was a very emotional tour and both I and my wife shed some tears (it was hard not too). What these poor souls went through is unimaginable. The whole area is now a memorial and a museum. You may ask yourself “Why don’t they just flatten it”? The answer is very simple they can’t it needs to be preserved as a reminder of what happened in WW2. It is a part of history that can never be repeated our generation must endeavour to keep the truth alive and to always remember what happened we are the gatekeepers now and we need to keep passing information down the lines so that this never happens again.

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